Monday, July 27, 2009

Quotes and support that got me through a horrible day...

Sometimes I hate my job... other times I love it... this weekend I hated it...but time heals all wounds:)

"Bottom line? If you want a job where you can literally change lives, nursing might be for you. And it will be the hardest thing you have ever done in your life. But it can be awesome."

"I say to anyone considering a career in nursing: know that it is a demanding job, both physically and mentally. You will have to make sacrifices for the job, but the benefits are worth it."

"We often think of nursing as giving meds on time, checking an X-ray to see if the doctor needs to be called, or taking an admission at 2:00 a.m. with a smile on our faces. Too often, we forget all the other things that make our job what it truly is—caring and having a desire to make a difference."

"Our job as nurses is to cushion the sorrow and celebrate the joy, everyday, while we are 'just doing our jobs.'"

"…although the days are busy and the workload is always growing, there are still those special moments when someone says or does something and you know you’ve made a difference in someone’s life. That’s why I became a nurse."

"A good doctor is one who'll say, 'I have no idea what's going on with this patient. Come help me figure it out.'"

During my second year of nursing school our professor gave us a quiz.  I breezed through the questions until I read the last one:  "What is the first name of the woman who cleans the school?"  Surely this was a joke.  I had seen the cleaning woman several times, but how would I know her name?  I handed in my paper, leaving the last question blank.  Before the class ended, one student asked if the last question would count toward our grade.  "Absolutely," the professor said.  "In your careers, you will meet many people.  All are significant.  They deserve your attention and care, even if all you do is smile and say hello."  I've never forgotten that lesson.  I also learned her name was Dorothy. "

"To do what nobody else will do, a way that nobody else can do, in spite of all we go through; is to be a nurse."

So thank you friends, family and coworkers for a shoulder to cry on, being there to vent to and continuing to support this nurse:)


Thursday, July 23, 2009

So many pet sitters so little time!

I posted an ad on craigs list looking for a pet sitter for Peanut and was hoping for a handful of responses. WOW so far since I posted it last night we have received 15-20 responses all from wonderful people in the Appleton area who are open to pet sitting! We have started to so some background checks and are going to pick a few to meet and check references on but it seems like this good be a great option for us! YAY I was a little nervous yesterday after our failed attempts at doggy daycare but it looks like there is still a chance that this could workout for us! A lot of the people who responded are dog trainers and lovers:) The prices are comparable and typically less than daycare would have been too! So the next week or so we will be responding to emails and starting to meet possible sitters! I hope this works out. Cross your fingers for us!! 
I am loving Harry Potter 7  just as good as the other books and I can't wait to finish it! Pat is enjoying his current book  The Code as well and is trying to finish up season 6 of 24:) Thats really all for now we will be working fri, sat, sun opposite shifts so we wont be seeing much of each other but it has been nice to relax and drink some wine and read together. We rented a haunting in CT and plan on watching that tonight as well... wish me luck I hate scary movies!!

love and hugs from WI


Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Commenting on a post??

For those who have e-mailed me asking how to comment on a post here is my where it says "o comments" then it will allow you to write a comment when you do this include your name in the message part. you will need to pick a account/or profile or something like that. Pick anonymous and then click post u will have to type in a verification work that they will give u but you comment will be posted! Just make sure you are putting your name with the comment so i know  who is writing:) Thats all for now:)

here are some pics from the local farmers market:) just for fun

95.9 and the puker...

It has been an interesting few days!
Patrick was working last night at the melting pot and ended up serving the 95.9 morning radio couple and the blind date they set up. Apparently 95.9 set up a bachelor with a single women that the listeners got to vote on and they went to the melting pot for their blind date. This morning we were getting text messages and messages that they were talking about Pat on air! Needless to say they enjoy him as their server. The female morning radio person stated a million times that Patrick was extremely good looking and she even commented on his arms and his scar on his face. She made reference to the Lawrence Hockey team he played for and stated that he would def have a large amount of fans now! There was a little mention of his girlfriend but still! It's bad enough that he was getting face book messages from the random girls he had served in the past!  ANYWAY...moving on... we had been researching places to board Peanut so that we had something set up for our Chicago trip.  Every time we fly Peanut home my dad states that we should look into places here because the flight home and being in that environment is probably more stressful for him than staying in WI would be. Well today proved that he is incorrect. Peanut was dropped off at Clever K9  this morning for his 2-4 hour evaluation to make sure he was not aggressive with other dogs or people. After we dropped Peanut off we went to get something to eat. Not even a hour later we got a phone call stating peanut was making himself throw up and he had puked 6 times since we left. That he was shaking and that they couldn't even get him to interact with other dogs because he was so nervous on his own. Needless to say we just got back from picking him up. Oddly enough he passed the evaluation but they stated it probably would not be a good idea to leave him there because of his separation anxiety. They stated we could leave him for a hour or 2 at a time for a while to see if he starts coming out of his shell. Long story short... this doesn't seem to be an option! I don't know what we are going to do we have a lot of thinking to do now! I called his vet this am to see what she thinks I hate the idea of medicating a 4 lb dog but i also can't believe he gets that stressed out! Well, that's all for now! Loves and hugs from WI


Monday, July 20, 2009

Crash into me.... wait they didn't play that either!

Saturday was part two of Pats b-day present, tickets to dmb. Although we both agreed the concert was good and it was nice to be at a outdoor concert again... we thought sugarland was better! lol Dave played a lot of his new stuff which was good but we missed the old music!  Before the concert we hit up trader joes in milwaukee for some yummy pineapple salsa!! Sunday we went though Pats closet and donated some clothing to goodwill (he will probably dislike me for a long long time) which was great because he needed the space in the closet! We also went  to our favorite book/music/dvd store half-price books... we got 7 cds for 1-3$ each! I got 4 books and Pat got one new book:) Today  and tomorrow we both work and then I think we have 2 days off together before a long weekend of work! No plans yet so we will see. I have lot of pics to post so like last time I will probably go back and post pics to old posts that I have written so make sure to check them out again in the next future! Hope all is well with all you who read this... and thanks for the e-mails letting me know you enjoy the updates! talk to you soon! 


Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Explore the Door:)

Well for our anniversary we just went out to dinner and enjoyed each others company!! The day after when I got home from work there were beautiful flowers waiting for me... he is too sweet! I will post a few pics later. Today we went to Door County and  toured the Winery, went to our favorite coffee place, the state park, the lighthouse and a fish boil(definitely overrated).  I have a lot of pictures of the places and the beautiful surroundings! The flowers are amazing this year and I just can't get enough. Pat and I really enjoy the driving and site seeing, we picked up a lot of information for future trip planning as well. All in all it was a relaxing day. Tomorrow we both go back to work... and we are working opposite shift so we really don't see each other. I can not wait until I get my day/pm schedule! The next big thing we have planned is the DMB concert on Saturday:) Thanks for reading! TTYL

love and hugs
the bookworm:)

Friday, July 10, 2009

2 years...:)

Hello hello:)
      Well since my burning the eggs incident things have been low key. I worked on tuesday night then we went to the Sugarland concert on wed night! It was amazing Patrick and I were dancing all night long to every song! It really was a great concert! We saw some some friends there. Kelli(who I work with) and her husband Bryan, as well as Pat's friend Tommy. It was a lot of fun! At the concert work called and told me I could be on call which was great! So we got to watch the entire concert!!! I never was called in so I feel like I have been on a long vacation. It is back to the grind tomorrow though and i work A LOT next week! Sat, Sun, Mon, Wed, Thurs, Fri! On Saturday we have the DMB concert at Alpine Valley and we will get to see even more friends! Joey and Nate:)Yesterday we bought our state park pass and went swimming in the lake:) and  today is day 3 of our diet so far so good! It is also our 2 year anniversary.  Pat and I didn't really have an official day we started dating so we just picked one and we happened to look back and pick 7/10/07! I have no idea what our plans are but I'll update you in a few days! Hope all is well love and miss everyone back home!


Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Burnt hard-boiled eggs

So there I was yesterday trying to be a great homemaker (yeah right). I put away my clothes from vacation, cleaned Peanuts dog bowls and refilled them, made a big thing of iced coffee for Patrick, went grocery shopping, seasoned some steaks, picked up a bit, worked on this blog page and then decided to make Patrick some hard boiled eggs for salads and such the next few days.  Well, I put six eggs into the pan, added the water (enough to cover the eggs completely) and turned on the burner. I think I got caught up in this blog stuff...suddenly a loud popping sound appeared. I am a huge baby when Pats not around so naturally when Peanut went crazy I got scared and decided to hide out in my room for a while. Then a few minutes later a weird sound again... this time I peeked my head out from my one there...I walked around a bit and noticed a strange smell. You got it. I BURNT HARD BOILED EGGS! The water was completely gone from the pan, the eggs turned brown and exploded (who knew this could even happen)! Don't believe me check out this picture! Oh and mom  this is definitely not a reflection of the wonderful job you did teaching me to cook.

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Cause I miss you...

Well... we are back in Wisconsin:( Patrick said this was the hardest trip for him to date and he wishes he was at home going to school. He will probably feel better about being back in a few days. I think that every time we come back sucks... maybe it is time to look and see if there are any job opportunities  back east. Peanut on the other hand couldn't be more excited to be home. Anyway enough of that. We had a great time at home! the beginning of the week was rainy but by the end of the week we were getting a nice sunburn! Pat came to Maine on Wednesday and spent the majority of his trip on the jet ski! He met up with his friend Sam and overall just enjoyed the lake! I spent time with the family mainly on the boat but I did go for a few rides with Pat of the jet ski. We  had food on the grill all week, bonfires, s'mores, went to chutes for breakfast, ate lobster and scallops and clams yum yum:) It was a great trip! We both really want to thank both of our families so much for making sure we had a blast while we were home and putting up with us, our suitcases and our dog! Hopefully we left you some sunny weather because its blue skies here again! lol talk to you soon and check back for pictures im sure there will be a lot!

love ya

Friday, July 3, 2009

Fun in the SUN!!

Well we have been having a blast at home with family and friends! Patrick spent the first few days with his family they visited some extended family, went to patriots place and the outlets and spent time with his two dogs Maggie and Molly! Now we are in MAINE!! The sun was out all day! We spent a lot of time on the jetski/boat and we went out to breakfest at our favorite local place. So far so good! I have a lot of great pics already:) Pat is a crazy man on the jetski this year, he is a lot more daring. Peanut came out on the boat and was really good he still isn't really into swimming. I have met Tim and Vinny this trip and both seem very nice. Tim has a definite way with Sarah he doesn't let her get away with much...i think its good for her! lol They are hilarious together. Vinny seemed nice as well he takes very good care of Jaclyn. Anthony has been the most surprising, he is a ladies man!! It is so weird to leave and have him playing video games to come back and have him laying with girls on the couch! LOL That's all for now time to go enjoy more of my vacation!!! much love!
